
anorexic cigarette

This is Rachel Lynch from Velvet Cigarette. Her time blogging has been spent hooking up with photographers who help her graphically document her insane weight loss.
Fans of this deeply unhealthy, artistically defunct blogging icon like to post gushing messages encouraging her on her apparent path to self-destruction. Others raise more important points like, 'what the fuck?!' but those comments are, obviously, ignored, although I'm sure she revels in them.
Shame on the sponsors who pay her to place their ads on her thinspiration blog. They should take one look at her and see clearly that she needs help, not handouts.

But hey, it doesn't matter what other people think - Rachel is an artist. Yeah, and her writing is so deep it'll make your head spin. Here's a sample:
Bad-ass blonde from the badlands comes to new york on horseback. Dusty lace-up boots, pack of parliaments and a pistol at her side. A new town she can bust down and run around, you’re severely out-ranked. On the east coast, they called her the criminal blonde.
I sincerely doubt they do.

Most of her posts are packed full of bad clichés and terms like 'gaga prayers' and 'the tears of a black Jesus', but if that's not enough of a taster, you can buy her 'coffee table book' which is probably one long good reason why you should eat food.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahhahhahahahaah this is great!!!! her writing is a joke i have read samples, poor thing she will grow up and gain some weight but it will prob never show if she is having so much sex. you know you burn a lot of calories in bed.. she is showing it well, no doubt.