
Bryanboy is to the blogosphere what Herpes is to sex

Here's Bryanboy, looking about as chic as a pile of cat sick.On Tuesday he decided to tell the high drama tale of being accosted at Mumbai airport because security believed he planned to sell the three mobile phones he had on him. Unfortunately, ordinary peasants with normal jobs don't understand why someone fabulous needs to travel with shitloads of phones. Fear not! Bryanboy managed to convince the plebians that the phones were indeed for personal use, by showing them the many naked bathroom photos of himself stored on the memory cards. Thank fuck for ridiculous vanity. If Bryanboy hadn't have invested hours vogueing in the buff for his self-timer, he might have had to spend longer talking to those grotesque nobodies. Disaster avoided.
Since those lofy, naive days of impressing Marc Jacobs with his notable gag reflex, Bryanboy has progressed to being someone whose opinions matter, which sometimes means he has to think of some. This week Bryanboy wants you to know that these sparkly pants are fucking fabulous. It's evident that they lead to skin rashes and yeast infections but, fuck it, pain is beauty, girlfriends.

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